6 ways to make moving easier for your family

Only those that have experienced a major move know how stressful moving can be. Leaving behind a home, especially one you’ve lived in for a long time with your family, can be difficult. Young children struggle with moving more and need to be shown special attention when the family is moving to a new house.

Prior proper planning is the key to a seamless transition into a new home. Below, you’ll find simple and practical tips you can use to make moving easier for your family. Here they are:

Prepare For Life As A Homeowner

If the family is going from renting a home to owning a home, it’s important you prepare for the responsibilities that come with home ownership. Such responsibilities include making mortgage payments, paying property taxes, and planning for home maintenance and repairs. I can not stress enough to you how useful it is to have your own toolbox stocked with essentials. The sense of empowerment you will get when you are able to fix something simple is extraordinary! Buy a simple toolbox and stock it with things like multiple screwdrivers, a hammer, pliers, a tape measure, raw plugs and maybe power tools such as a drill driver. You could even impress your friends by asking for one as a house warming present!

Home maintenance and repairs tend to be unexpected and sometimes expensive. A way to plan for them is to build an emergency fund or invest in a home warranty plan. Homeinsurance can also safeguard against costly repairs, and the combination of both offers the highest degree of home protection. You can learn more about the differences between a home warranty and home insurance at Cinch Home Services for instance.

It’s important you are aware of your responsibilities as a homeowner and properly plan for them. Doing this minimises problems in the future.

Inform Your Children Early

A good way to make moving easier for children is to inform them early about the move. This gives them time to process and mentally prepare themselves for the move. Also, let them know about the circumstances of the move and how it will benefit the family.

It’s okay if your kids are afraid. After all, children thrive on familiarity. Ease their fear by encouraging them to ask questions and provide them with honest answers. 

If the new house is close by, you can take them there and maybe do some exploring. They are bound to feel less anxious after visually familiarizing themselves with their new home. But if the new destination is far away, showing them photos and discussing the features of the home can help. If they are old enough, definitely let them have a say in decorating their bedroom too!

Involve your kids in the move and encourage them to share their opinions. Let them pack their favourite toys or belongings to make them feel truly involved in the move.

Keep Day-to-day Routine The Same

Unpack as soon as possible after the move and keep the same day-to-day routines. Bedtimes, mealtimes, curfew, play times, and so on should remain the same, at least for some time after the move.

As mentioned earlier, children thrive on familiarity, and keeping the same routine will help them settle faster and feel more secure. At the same time, avoid making any major decisions in the first few weeks after a move. Keep everything simple and familiar.

Hire A Professional Mover

Unless you are moving short distances, it’s always beneficial to hire a reputable professional moving service. Moving companies are experts at what they do and can make moving less stressful. Many moving companies offer customizable services based on your budget and specific needs.

With a reputable moving company, you have peace of mind knowing that your items will arrive on time and in good condition. This allows you to focus on your family and how you can make the transition easier for them.

Do Right By Your Pets

If you have a dog or a cat, you’ll need to ease them into your new home. Dogs generally tend to take moving in stride, especially if their schedule remains the same and there are no new people or pets at the new house. Also, use the same feeder or crate the dog was using in your former home. This will create a feeling of familiarity and ward off anxiety or stress.

You should also let your dog get familiar with the new home by introducing it to key areas and letting it explore and sniff. This should be done under supervision and with the dog on a leash.

Cats react to moving more than any other pet and require special attention. When you get to the new destination, keep your cat indoors for at least a week. This gives the cat time to get familiar with the new home and prevent it from trying to escape and find its previous home. Cats have been known to travel a long distance to return to their former homes after a move.

Make The New Home Your Own

It’s time to make the new home your own. Start by painting the rooms in your preferred color and dressing up empty walls with family photos and your children’s artwork. Host a housewarming party, even if it’s just for the family. It’s a good way for everyone to bond. 

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