Britmums Prompt: “What I can’t live without”

As I am new to blogging I am new to all the blogging networks that are out there.   One that I have joined recently is Britmums:  A great website full of fabulous resources for us bloggers.

Last week they started a “prompt” link to give us bloggers an idea of something to write about and then we could link up and see what other members are saying about the same prompt.   Last week’s was “If I could start my blog again”.  I didn’t join that as I have only just started blogging and, of course, my blog is perfect and therefore I wouldn’t change a thing.  Ahem.

This week’s prompt, as the title suggests is to write about something we cannot live without.

I have thought long and hard about this and tried to come up with something profound or touching.   I would love to say Mr B, or my children.   But then that is obvious.  Of course I cannot live without them, they are my world.

Some of you who know me will have already guessed what I am going to say.   And I am almost apologetic when I admit it is my BlackBerry.

It IS my world.   I know that sounds incredibly sad but it is so much more than just a phone.  It is my social network.   I use it for Facebook and also Twitter.  The latter definitely more than the former.   I also use BBM (the messaging tool) to talk to C as it is free and she, too, has a BlackBerry.

I use it to look at the headlines when I get to school early and have five minutes to kill.

I use it to work.  I must send a dozen emails a day from it.  Without it I would have to do those emails from home.   I see this as a better use of my time than having to come home and reply to them all when I could just as easily reply whilst standing in the check out queue in Sainsburys.

I use it to keep in touch with J who is away at school.  To text him a funny story that has happened.   He texts to let me know what time to pick him up, or remind me I need to buy missing bits of kit.

The majority of photos on my blog have been taken on my BlackBerry too.  Not the best camera, obviously, but who lugs around a “proper” camera everywhere?!

It is my alarm clock, charging beside the bed over night and the first thing I look at in the morning.   Reading overnight messages bleary eyed before I have even put a foot out of the bed.

Oh yes, and I use it as a phone.   Nearly forgot that bit.

It is always where I am.   If I leave it in the other room I start to have palpitations and separation anxiety.   Recalling the day I dropped it in the kitchen sink and it refusing to turn on for three days is bringing me out in a cold sweat.

So I am sorry that it is not something more exciting or thought provoking but there you have it.   I really couldn’t live without it.

Am I mad?  Do you agree with me or do I need rehab?

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  • Love your post! I am at the point of deciding between the blackberry or iPhone – still not sure which way to go so we shall see. Can really relate to palpitations from dropping phone in the sink! Fab.

  • I feel the same way about my iPhone. I also blog from my phone & the Internet on it is sufficient that I hardly use the laptop! My new trick is the BBC cooking mobile site – my phone is my new cook book.
    It is my company on lonely nights when my son won’t sleep.
    I was without it for 2 whole days a while back & I was grumpy, sour faced mare until I got it back!

  • Oh lovely, Mummy Barrow…I soooooo can relate to you! I have the exact same relationship with my BlackBerry. If there’s a spare minute without me being occupied by something else, I whip out my BlackBerry just to see what’s happened in the last millisecond. Ridiculous but true.

    So glad BritMums is inspiring you! Looking forward to seeing more from you and your lovely blog! 😉

    Karin @ BritMums

  • Can I admit to feeling a tad envious? I locked myself into an 18-month contract with an HTC desire. The touch screen looks flashy, but it’s impossible to write quick emails/ tweets/ texts… no! Back in ye olden days I could text at the speed of talking on my Nokia. But no more. A Blackberry it is for me next time round 🙂