“It just smells of home to me”. That’s what Jonnie said to me the other day when he got a waft of a perfume I had just sprayed. It was one I had worn for years but hadn’t recently and as we both smelled it we reminisced about how that particular smell does that and how the perfume my mum wears reminds us of a house they lived in for
Self Care
Why is it so hard to get HRT?
I am going to start this off by saying I dont have any answers to that question, so if you are expecting me to give you the answer, and how to find the holy grail of missing patches or elusive gels, this isnt the post for you. I can however give you my experience on why it is so hard to get HRT First of all some background. Back in
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Self Care
Do Your Shoes Love Your Feet Back?
Who doesn’t love a fresh, new pair of athletic shoes, especially when they look cool? But a word of caution: looking cool is often not enough and finding the perfect pair of shoes can depend on a great deal more than that. This can add a rather confusing layer to the search process in the quest for the perfect shoes, very bewildering very quickly! So how to navigate this process,
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Self Care
Joy Triggers
I didn’t know they were called “Joy Triggers” until I saw a blog post from Jess at Cupcakes and Cashmere about them that was linked from a newsletter landing in my inbox every morning. But you know what I am talking about, right? Those little moments that put a smile on your face, or a spring in your step, they’re insignificant really and could quite easily pass you by if you
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Ever considered a yoga retreat at home?
This weekend I will be doing a yoga retreat at home, join me? This time two years ago I was in the south of France attending a four day yoga retreat. Not that I had ever done yoga before but the timing was right and I found myself flying on my own for the first time in decades to spend almost a week with total strangers, all in the
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The one about alcohol
This is the one about my thoughts on alcohol. I thought it might be timely with many people celebrating going booze free for October. First of all I am going to nail my colours to the mast and say that I don’t really buy into the school of thought that thinks giving up booze and shouting about it for a month is a good idea. Though to be fair it
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You’re fat because you eat too much
“You’re fat because you eat too much” is a direct quote from an article Michael Buerk has published this week. He went on to say that essentially we should give fat people the facts and then let them die, thereby saving the NHS money. The NHS is buckling under the weight of obese people and that they are reason it’s in the current dire financial state. This type
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Want some advice? Just do you
Want some advice? Just do you If I had to write a top five of phrases to live by “just do you” would certainly be up there. And if I was ever to impart some unsolicited advice “just do you” would be it. I was reminded of this on Twitter yesterday when a chap I have never met but have chatted to online for years sent me this Tweet:
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Turning off the outside world
I have been increasingly thinking about turning off the outside world because my phone buzzed at 07.18 this morning. Not for the first time, and as before, not my alarm, I had turned that off at 5am when I had finally given up on sleep because my mind was whirring, but by a text. A text that had been sent with a query that needed to be dealt with fairly urgently.
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Self Care
How to start living for you
How to start living for you Collaboration When you’re a mum, it’s easy to find yourself wrapped up in mum life. And while that’s absolutely perfect, and you’re likely to find that you’re an amazing mother because of it, you could also lose a bit of yourself in the process. Because you are a you, as well as a mum. And it’s important to make sure that you’re making
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Self Care
How to live your best life
How to live your best life This post contains products sent for review Want to know how to live your best life? Just make a decision that you are going to do it. That you will do the things you previously never would have done, even if you only do them once, though the chances are that having done it once you will want to do it again. Last year
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Self Care
Taking time out to watch the birds
Taking time out to watch the birds I need to explain my un-authorised absences over the past few weeks first of all. For the past month I have been suffering from “cluster headaches”. A right royal pain in the arse head which are a bit like an ice cream brain freeze, eight or ten times a day and last about half an hour, well for me they are.