I saw this picture on a friend’s Facebook wall this morning and had a lovely few minutes as I scrolled through what people had said (the friend by the way is Zoe who runs Saying Goodbye, if you don’t know the charity do look them here: Saying Goodbye They do the most extraordinary work)
My response on Zoe’s thread was that I only like eating whole peanuts. I don’t like eating the halves. And then as I stared out of the window I started thing about the other insignificant things about me. And wondering what yours might be.
So here are another eight from me, I would love to hear yours
I love the smell of coffee but I don’t really drink it
When I go into a loo where all the cubicles are empty I always have to go to the furthest away from the door
I am scared of the dark
I am still convinced the bogey man lives under my bed.
I don’t know my eight times table.
I once walked out of a bank with a million dollars in a briefcase
I have never pulled a pint
If I had been born a boy I would have been called Stephen
What are the little insignificant things about you that make you who you are?
Ahh! This made me smile….
If I was born a boy I would have been a Stephen too. and I don’t know my 9 times table. and I know the bogey man lives under my bed…I still run and jump into bed. lol
I can’t spell disappointed or definitely and have to Google them every time I use them.