The theme for yesterday’s Gallery pic was “Everyday” and as you know, no two days for me are ever the same. Are they for anybody? I suspect not. So I thought I would chart a day in the life of me:
- 04.45 — Hear Mr B telling J to go to bed
- 05.00 — Curse the world that I am still awake
- 05.05 — Check Twitter and change scheduled time for blog post
- 05.07 — Read blog post.
- 06.15 — Fall asleep
- 06.30 — Get woken up by alarm. Spend half an hour getting ready
- 07.00 — Check Twitter.
- 07.15 — Wake up E
- 07.20 — Check work emails.
- 07.30 — Chat to E, make sure she is ready for school, eaten etc
- 07.40 — Congratulate self on getting out of house on time
- 08.10 — Drop E at school and head off to Waitrose as hungry.
- 08.45 — Spend £94 when I only went in for a croissant
- 09.10 — Get home and walk dog. Forget food in boot.
- 09.30 — Work for a couple of hours.
- 11.40 — Go and look for croissant. Remember it’s in car
- 11.45 — Put shopping away
- 12.00 — Empty and reload washing machine / tumble drier
- 12.14 — Empty and reload dishwasher
- 12.15 — Do another couple of hours of work
- 13.55 — Chat to C who is off to play poker all afternoon
- 14.00 — Go and tell 16 year old it is time to get up
- 14.05 — Spot croissant on side. Eat croissant.
- 14.10 — Make spaghetti bolognaise. I say make: open jar of Dolmio
- 14.20 — Realise chopped pepper in bolognaise still has sticker on
- 14.22 — Fish various bits of pepper out. Give up on rest.
- 14.30 — Hoover hall.
- 14.35 — Start work again
- 14.50 — Victim Support phone call received.
- 15.15 — Empty and reload washing machine / tumble drier
- 15.20 — Drive to school to get E. Making three phone calls en route
- 15.50 — Have ten mins reading book.
- 15.52 — Get told by builder I cannot park where I have done so move
- 15.55 — Pick up book
- 15.56 — E arrives at car. Drive home chatting.
- 16.30 — Arrive home. Throw chicken in oven for E and J’s dinner
- 16.31 — Realise rolls for the chicken burgers have mould on.
- 16.32 — Cut four bits of bread from uncut loaf
- 16.35 — Do some more work. E takes dog out
- 17.00 — Feed E and J whilst I try and find more pepper sticker
- 17.20 — Do some more work
- 18.00 — Stop for a cuppa with passing friend @lady_briggs.
- 19.30 — Collapse on sofa with laptop and do some blog stuff.
- 20.12 — Hear Mr B key in door, shout “shit” and run to put spaghetti on
- 20.30 — Eat / chat / drink wine
- 20.40 — Sing happy birthday to Lady B who is on phone to Mr B
- 20.45 — Pick up laptop and create “MummyBarrow’s book club”
- 22.05 — Take dog out
- 22.30 — Decide it is bed time
- 22.45 — See C come in so have a quick chat
- 23.05 — Decide I am really going to bed now.
- 23.30 — Get off Twitter and actually go to bed.
- 23.50 — Collapse into bed.
The End
Thanks to recent eye surgery I managed to recognise that it actually was a croissant! Until the penny dropped I was distinctly disturbed.
I’m sure that work study would help enormously in improving your daily efficiency; have you considered?
Answers on a Post Card, please.
I am exhausted just reading this! *yawn*
What a funny post. I can relate to many things, especially the going into Waitrose for a croissant and then spending loads. How does that always happen?