It dawned on me this week that there often lots of things that happen during the week, or that I read, or think about, that I would like to document. Though they are not big enough for their own post. I also wanted to document for my own sake my weeks in a sort of diary format because I am slowly losing the ability to remember things that happened an hour ago, let alone on Monday. So this newly weekly feature was born. I will probably forget to do it in a fortnight, but for now, here we are.
As weeks go, this was a funny one. Well, most weeks are in our house, there is no week that is ever “a normal one”.
We kicked off Monday by driving up to London to stay in my parent’s apartment overnight as Ellie had to be at This Morning at 7am the following morning. There is a great pub locally that does a mean burger or ham and chips. Or Martini
So it was rude not too really.
Tuesday Saw us up at 5am and in a car that had been sent for us at 6.30am. There is something a bit special about getting in a car prebooked for you, and I could see that Ellie might have got to used this service, though not the early start. It was even better on the way home when the car actually had her name on a board in the window so she knew which one was hers.
This Morning itself was a fantastic experience, and Ellie got throroughly spoiled and made to feel like a real life Cinderella. I think originally she was a bit “mum, why are we doing this, I dont actually want to be on TV” but once the wheels were in motion and she found herself at the mercy of Gok Wan it became much more of a treat.
It also left us with a rare afternoon in London, and a stone’s throw from Westfield.
Again, rude not to. Especially when your hair is perfect,and contains a diamante head band, and your make up is perfect
Wednesday was much more laid back. Well it was for me. Just a full on day of working and general house stuff. It was National Upycycling Day though and I was chuffed that my pot I had upcycled for Gumtree had recevied some nice comments at the award ceremony in London.
It was more prom prep on Thursday as Ellie had her nails done, alongside her BFF Bex. It was great fun to see them getting excited about getting ready and hearing them chat about the most ridiculous things. Nutcases the pair of them.
Mr B was out on Thursday night so Jonnie and Ellie and I treated ourselves to a mid week takeaway and watched junk on the telly.
We also booked two holidays. Which as hugely exciting. On Monday we didn’t think we would get even one but we have managed to book flights to sneak off soon, and then later in the year we have been offered a holiday to review. So there has been much talking about flights / insurance / car hire etc. All very exciting and a great boost.
It was finally here on Friday Prom Day. Last minute dash to M&S for pants (for Ellie, not me) and then she spent the afternoon at the pre prom party, kindly hosted by friends. Eight girls all having their hair and make up done, with some an amazing buffet, cakes and drinks. The girls all looked stunning as they headed off. Not quite as planned since the limo I had booked in March didn’t turn up. The less said about that the better, suffice to say I was livid. Friends parents pulled it out of the bag though and decorated their cars with gold ribbons and bows and they all headed off in convoy.
We rocked up to pick them up at midnight to find a parents party in full swing. Complete with jazzies and cupcakes
Mr B was up bright and early on Saturday as he was playing golf with Dan. I had to take Ellie to a friend’s house as she is off to Spain for a week as a post GCSE treat. Apparently skateboards are essential. Who knew? Then it was a quick trip to see my lovely friend Sarah for a catch up over tea and doughnuts. I didn’t realise how tired I was until I spent three hours asleep in the afternoon. Woops
Dinner with friends in the evening meant there was no prep or washing up for us. A treat I love. And they certainly know how to spoil us. The food was amazing, and the wine was copious. I clearly had too much to drink when I suggested we walk home at 1am, over a mile.
Today has been a day of catching up and planning for the week ahead. We have tried to start meal planning so we only have to do one shop a week, and also Jonnie and I are trying to be healthy and doing a smoothie everyday. But that meant braving Tesco in the morning. And then coming out to pouring rain so the planned barbecue will be an indoor one. Still, an incinerated sausage is an incinerated sausage right?
And Top Gear is back tonight. One of our favourite things to all watch together. So it will be bums on sofa at 8pm. Mr B won’t be drinking through it though as he has his annual MOT tomorrow with a fasting blood test at 8am. Though after rounding off Saturday night with a rather lovely 12 year old single malt he might not be drinking ever again.
There is also a badge to use if you would like to link up and more info on the My Week page:

Fab week, and a great way to record such special events for you all! We’ve just booked flights to Sardina for October – going to Crete, Santorini and Athens in August, cannot wait. Trying this in the phone on the way to Legoland – life’s pretty darn good – always the odd niggle but hey x
oh wow. What a summer you have coming up!!! And I am impressed with your multi tasking on the move. Well done. Hope Legoland was fun and you managed to dodge the rain
Love this new linky T, and I will be committing to joining you each week from now on 🙂 Sounds like a busy, but fun week for you – Ellie looked truly stunning for her prom – I’m sure you are super proud of her x
Yay. Thanks Andrea. Thanks for your kind words about Ellie too.
I can’t wait to see what you have been up to and have coming up each week, thanks for joining in
Bethan is obsessed with proms at the minute and spends ages going over all the local schools prom pics on the local news website. The comments she comes our with at some of the outfits are so funny but she just looked and your photo and said she loved them all. That’s high praise indeed!
oh wow. Very high praise indeed!!! Such an exciting event for them all, there is talk of another one at the end of sixth form. I am not sure I can go through it all again but the girls seem keen!
This is a great idea for a linky! No jumping through hoops, just a chance to share in everyone’s week, lovely! Looks like yours has been rather more eventful that mine. Ellie looks beautiful, you must be so proud!
i joined in with project 365, fmsphotoaday and snaphappybritmums in January taking a photo a day based on 2 prompts, I write a weekly post about the photos and add the other stuff that has gone on in the week. I’m only doing project 365 in 2015 but I will continue to write a weekly post next year. Sounds like you’ve had an amazing week (sorry about the limo) where are you going in your holidays? My son had his prom on Friday no one has sent me any photos despite numerous requests, will be kicking schools arse on Monday lol
Wow! x Wow! = (Wow!) squared!!
Just watch the blood pressure!
No wonder my icon is green.
My colleague was working at home and saw this morning & messaged me to say how stunning they all looked! How busy is your week? Thanks for starting this, just the push I needed x
Awww thanks Clare. Glad to have been able to nudge you in the right direction. I look forward to seeing what you get up to, and how those golf games on the team go!
Love this idea wand will definitely be joining in …like keeping a diary!
Love this idea Barrow – LOVE IT.Is your mind awash with holiday organising now ?
Oh wowsers doesn’t Ellie look utterly stunning!!!
And those scallops look fab! I’ve never tried them but have always wanted to!!
Fab idea for a linky!!