The Gallery — Green

Ah green.   Green on The Gallery this week.

Makes you think of lush green fields, doesn’t it at this time of year.    Hedgerows springing forth.   The sound of cricket being played on the village green.

The view above was my view of a green this morning.   Speech day at J’s school.  The end of term.  The beginning of the long luxurious holidays.  They always finish before Henley Regatta so this year they are done by the end of June.

The cricket green at the front of school is award winning.  A trophy to amazing groundsmen.

But not today, today it is a car park in front of the marquee.   Where we sit and listen to speeches.   Have canapes and a glass of wine.   Say goodbye to staff.   Hand over teacher’s presents and then bid a fond farewell until September



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  • Awww….

    I will be doing the exact same thing on Saturday with my 18 year old who is GRADUATING from school. How is that possible?

    The part of Speech Day which gets me every year is when they do a roll call of the graduating students. Each of them stand up on hearing their name and then exit as a group to the Headmaster’s Garden for drinks. Bringing a tear to my eye as I think about it now.

    But Friday we will be dancing the night away at the Leavers’ Ball, so Saturday they probably stagger out when they hear their name!

    This beautiful post really (really) resonated. HMSx

  • i hope it went a lot better than you thought Tanya and lets face it anything which offers canapes and wine cant be all baaaad!!! reminds me of the BIBS but maybe not quite as epic 🙂 x x

  • Oh my goodness, I don’t suppose the groundsmen are please with the cars parking on it, yikes!

  • Ooooh, look at all those posh cars!! Bet those groundsmen aren’t best pleased at their cricket green being used as a car park!

  • There’s a certain smell to speech day too – hot grass under canvas combined with fresh printing ink. For me it’s one of those smells that puts me right back at barely eighteen in a heartbeat!