Supporting teens anxious about Coronavirus

Supporting teens anxious about Coronavirus This is a guest post from children’s therapist and wellbeing author Becky Goddard-Hill. Becky’s book, co-written with Penny Alexander is called Be Happy Be You – a teenage guide to happiness and it was published by Harper Collins earlier this year.  When it comes to younger kids we can totally control how we pass over information in regard to Covid-19. We can be sure not

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The Social Isolation Diaries — Week 21

Week 21, twenty one weeks, 147 days since the first announcement that Coronavirus was serious and we were going to be locked down and not able to move about as freely as we had before, or as we ever would again for a long time.   We finally got confirmation this week that our holiday in September to Morocco has been cancelled by BA and they have refunded our tickets.  To

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The social isolation diaries — week 20

I should probably think about renaming these now we are no longer in social isolation.  Week 20 though, twenty weeks since the drawbridge got completely pulled up and just a few weeks since it slowly began to lower again. Unless you’re in the beauty industry that is.   For this week, here in England, we had been told that the beauty industry would be able to open fully on August

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