Chances are you have arrived here after clicking the link in my Instagram Bio, and for that I thank you. For years I have been using Linktree to host links but that feels a bit counter intuitive now, sending you from Instagram to Linktree to then hoping you would come back here. Why not just have the links I think you might like, all in one place?
Genius really
So here are the posts that I think you might like to read, that give you a flavour of who Mummy Barrow is, and for the things that I feel passionate about. Just click on the headline to be taken straight to that page.
Let me run your social media accounts
I have been running social media accounts for small companies for a while now but it struck me that you probably weren’t aware of that, and I dont say it anywhere either! Oops. So I thought it was about time I “put it out there” and said that this is something I am proud to be doing, and if you think I might be able to help you with your own, please get in touch.
Our Amsterdam story
The story of our first weekend away in Amsterdam, of love, of chips, and of learning to live again
Stop victim blaming
My post asking that we stop victim blaming, in the wake of the heartbreaking disappearance of Sarah Everard I’m sick of reading that she should have got a taxi, should have done more etc. Why is it always the victim’s fault? It needs to stop.
10am With Tea
I love this little community, even though I don’t use it nearly as much as I should. I started it on Instagram a few years ago as I thought it would be nice to bring a few people together, virtually, over a cuppa. How little did I know back then that so much of what we do these days is virtual. Do join in with #10AmWithTea if you hang on Instagram
50 things to do before you are 50
How many have you done?! It isnt my list but I loved the thought behind it, and the fact it included simple things and some that might be more of a challenge. I wrote it 8 years ago, long before I turned 50 and it makes me smile when I look at it now and think of the things I can tick off.
50 things I learned as I turned 50
Followed up of course by this one, that I did write as I turned 50. Full of useless information that nobody will probably ever need but one or two of them might help you win a pub quiz. Did you know for instance that the expiry date on crisps is always a Saturday? See what I mean?
A post for Suicide Prevention Day
Suicide is, sadly, still a taboo subject. We dont talk about people dying by suicide, or by taking their own lives. The statistics are shocking, particularly amongst men, and I believe passionately that we should talk about this more, and be more open about it. I do have to balance that with my family’s desire for privacy so I don’t talk about the specifics of why this is a cause so close to my chest very often but this post is the reason why. If you ever need to talk and feel you are in a very dark place, I can absolutely assure you that there is an alternative, there are people who care about you, and there are organisations that can help. Call the Samaritans on 116 123.
My 100 gins shelfie
Yes, I have (now over) 100 gins in my collection. I have an A-Z and I have a rainbow. Next stop is one for every country but I suspect Saudi Arabia and Iraq could be a challenge.
A post about random acts of kindness
I will always “pay it forward” when I can. You will get my car parked ticket with an hour left on it, or stopping to ask if you need a hand if you look slightly bemused at a crossing or whilst peering at a train timetable. I have never forgotten a RAOK paid to me years ago, and vowed to pay it forward whenever I could.
How to use a diary to organise your life
Decades ago I was taught how to properly use a diary, day to a page, with a fool proof system for remembering things that need to be done too. It came in very handy when, for a number of years, I had three children in three different schools. Using the system meant I never forgot about a school trip, knew who needed a packed lunch for said trip, posted birthday cards on time, and knew all the details of every birthday party. Okay, you might not need all that information to hand right now as its likely invites and school trip info is thin on the ground, but grab yourself an A4 day to a page diary and you will be set for life. I promise.
If you would like to chat more, then please do get in touch.