I scheduled this post earlier in the week as I knew I would have a lot to say about this project.
You know, the thing on Channel 4 this week where various celebs took part in a double blind drugs trial involving MDMA (or Ecstasy).
I wrote the title and vowed to sit and write it last night, scheduling publication for this morning.
I have very strong opinions on the trial taking place on TV and involving celebs and a “pure” form of the drug that has not been mixed with Ajax etc. Glamorising the drug, I felt.
So I thought I should sit down and watch it. After all, it is not fair to comment and potentially rant on something you haven’t actually watched. Without the facts.
Wednesday night I did 5 minutes before I just got bored.
Thursday night I managed three minutes and we turned it off. I just couldn’t watch it, it was so, well, dull. I don’t know what I expected but Jon Snow as a host, presumably to add some gravitas to the whole thing just didn’t work and I couldn’t sit through it. Now bear in mind that I did sit through Gok Wan’s new show “Baggage” for an hour last week.
I just don’t get it. What was the point of this trial? I am all for drugs testing, all for it, but televised? With celebs? Using an illegal substance? Why?
I grew up with Grange Hill and remember well their campaign involving drugs
“Just say no”
Thank God I finally did. (I mean no to watching it, not no to taking them. I haven’t. Oh you know what I mean)