Five miles might not sound a lot

Five Miles

And in the grand scheme of things five miles might not sound a lot.   Eddie Izzard for instance ran ten times that in a day this week, having run 25 marathons over the previous twenty five days.    The man is a machine.   A hero.  A legend.   Which really makes our 5 miles nothing in comparison.   But for me it was quite the challenge.

Let’s face it, I am not the fittest.  I probably haven’t walked five miles in the past month, let alone in one evening.  Certainly in the family Fitbit challenge I keep coming last.   A job that has me tied to the desk ten hours a day leaves little time for a gym membership.   Oh and being diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome last week (to add to my six times a day crippling headaches) means I have been hiding under a rock for the past few weeks.   As you may have noticed by the lack of blog posts.  Where I was posting almost daily it has gone to down to about one a week at most because I just can’t function long enough to write something.

The only reason I can get this written today is because I have given myself the day off.   Sadly that meant cancelling plans that included lunch with a charity I want to work with, and tea at the Houses of Parliament with World Vision to discuss five years of conflict in Syria.   As this week has gone on I have come to the conclusion that something has to give and travelling to London is one of those somethings.

Great excuse to add ironing to that list of somethings as well though 🙂

But on Saturday we did it.   We set off at 10.30pm and we walked our five miles for Sport Relief, it was great fun and I am so pleased I did it. Spurred on by Mr B, Jonnie, Caity and Dan it was a real giggle.    It was actually over five miles and as my “map my walk app” confirmed we had passed the fifth mile marker I was offered the chance to sit down and the others would come home, get the car and come back for me.

It seems a bit pathetic though but having seen what people helped by Sport Relief have had to put up with in order to reach the point where they need the charity’s help I couldn’t just sit down.    That last half a mile was so insignificant in the grand scheme of things that to sit down would have been ridiculous.

Funnily enough, and I can’t believe I am actually saying this out loud, I really enjoyed it.  I may have even uttered the words “I might do that again tomorrow” when we got home.   But I have always enjoyed walking (especially if it is involves a high street or a shopping centre), I just never get time to do it these days so it has made me really re-evaluate my work/life balance and acknowledge a shift needs to be made somewhere.

Odd that it takes a 1am walk with a kebab to make you have a bit of a life epiphany but there you go.   I don’t really do things in any kind of conventional way!

There is still time to sponsor us  if you would like to, even £1 will make a difference.  Either to a person in need in the UK, in Africa, or at a nursery in the Syrian Refugee camp in Jordan that by coincidence I visited.     This is our giving page and it will be open for a few weeks yet

The B Team Five Miler

If you have already sponsored us, thank you.   I really do appreciate it.

Now if you will excuse me I am going to make a cup of tea and have a bit of a lie down until lunchtime.

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  • Sorry to hear your having a rotten time health wise T, hopefully a new work-life balance will help. learning to say NO might help as well as making sure you take the time to look after yourself, you’re no good to anyone if you’re so run down you can’t get out of bed. Please take care of yourself xx

  • Well done!
    Jo will be proud of you.
    Didn’t Cheeky Dog not do his bit?
    Here’s to the next time, and a merry meeting…….
    [ Henry Hall if you’re puzzled ]