If I had started my blog in 2008 then I would have been ranting about this back then. How stupid Twitter was. How pointless. How Jonathan Ross had ignored me and therefore Twitter was useless. How I was kicking the internet and walking off in a strop.
I joined Twitter on January 6th, 2009. So pretty much four years ago. I joined because people seemed to be talking about it, and you know me, I don’t like being out of a loop.
So I joined. And then thought “hmmm, what now”. I had heard that Jonathan Ross and Stephen Fry gave good Tweet. So I followed them. And said hello to them. And waited for them to follow me back and reply.
For surely they would, right?
No. Of course they didn’t.
Why the heck would they?
But I waited about three months and then thought “this is stupid. Twitter is rubbish”. And left.
I didn’t delete my account but I rarely logged in. Still thinking it was pointless.
Until about August 2010. And then I got back into it and fell in love with it. Clearly. I now follow over 3000 people and have almost 5000 following me. I have sent an obscene amount of Tweets. And now I get Twitter. I see how fast a timeline can move and with three million followers I understand just why Jonathan didn’t reply.
Fast forward four years to this week when I bumped into him at Heathrow. Not just into him in passing but as he said “ah hello mummy bloggers” at the departure gate. He knew I was part of Team Honk and was flying out to Ghana with him. We walked to the gate grumbling about how early the start had been for a Sunday. We were stayed at the same hotel. We chatted and drank tea together on Tuesday. He signed a T shirt for me.
He couldn’t have been more lovely.
So it felt right that I thank him on Twitter.
And then he replied:
and I did a little scream
It is Ranty Friday. Rant, link up below and go see other people’s rants!
Yep. I didn’t understand the concept of Twitter at all and, moreover, why anyone would bother. It’s not until you get it, that you, well, get it.
I will often throw out a random thought (tweet) with no expectation that anyone will reply but just…’cos. Hard to explain until you…get it.
This post made me pause on a busy Friday morning. A great read. HMSx
And to think I let out a little scream when eammon Holmes tweeted me! Wossy or Holmes? Holmes or wossy? Yeah ok you win!
I hated Twitter when I first started using it, I only joined to follow a few of my favourite celebs. When I started comping I put off using Twitter for this purpose for quite a while because I much preferred Facebook, then I got into it, started following bloggers who held comps (many of whom I still follow – only the excessive tweeters and bores get the boot, lol) – now I follow several hundred businesses, blogger and individuals and even have a couple of hundred followers of my own. Yes, I’m hooked, lol, the only thing that still drives me mad is the 140 character limit – I’m wordy and hate having to use bad English (webspeak, abreviations like 2 and r) just to fit in what I want to say. My feed is huge and I can barely keep up with it so I totally understand why people can’t reply to every comment. Mind you, I made a comment to a bookstore and an author and the author actually replied, lol (Peter V Brett). Whilst I don’t expect them to, its always nice when a celeb replies to a comment, or if a large company retweets or favourites me ;o)
My hubby rued the day he introduced me to twitter. I refused to join for a very long time and then followed celebrities. The I accidentally got caught up in the blogging community, people who chatted to me!! It became my little escape, my replacement for forums. When I eventually decided to blog myself and set up an anonymous account I decided to follow very few celebs. I think I follow about 5. The rest are a big bunch of lovely people who make me laugh when I’m down.
i love how this all changed round! glad he finally tweeted back 😉
I don’t like Twitter. You’ve given me renewed hope! Thanks for the hop.
Derek Brockway from the welsh weather will tweet back if he can and the hairy bikers have tweeted me a few times, but I know what you mean. It’s hard when you have lots of mentions!
I’ve linked up btw. My post is a rant about the NHS.
Brilliant – and of course you would favourite that tweet!
I love him.
That is all
*boils frogs legs and concocts love potion*
I love it when friends tell me there’s no point to twitter; that they’re not interested in what I had for lunch. They remind me of me…