Right, where to start with this one then. I am known for my physique. Well actually that is not true. I am. But not for my connection to fitness.
To be fair I have started cycling recently, for the first time in 25 odd years. But you don’t want to see a picture of a bike. That is boring.
Or the dog who I walk twice a day. There are plenty of pictures of him on my blog and he is getting a bit too big for his boots and becoming a bit of a diva.
So I thought a bit laterally for this one. I thought about the excuses that people, myself included, make for not getting fit. For not going to the gym. And generally it comes down to expense. “Can’t afford the monthly membership”
“I can’t spare the time to get to the gym”
But what kind of an excuses ARE that? Ladies and gentlemen. I give you, my home gym:
Always on hand. Never closed
Running up and down those fifteen times a day
Arm curls whilst holding a tin of beans
Who needs to go to the gym?
But does it work?
Other brands of beans are available???
This looks like one of those occasions when the presenter says “but don’t try this at home!” Have you done a full risk assessment under health and safety rules?
What a great advert for not paying expensive gym prices xx
Such a cheapskate, but ever practical. You can ALMOST watch Jeremy Kyle whilst you’re at it too. No flies on you.
Change of use?
Planning permission?
RSPB – ……cruelty to beans?
Just be careful MummyB
I need the guilt of a monthly payment to make me go. I have no willpower and would probabley just serve up beans on toast for tea x
I like the idea of exercising at home 😉
Best fun is always free 😉 xxx
Exactly! Very well said MummyB!
Excellent suggestion. Our stairs are however public (we live in a first floor apartment) so I think some of the looks we would get would be enough to put me off!
I’m out of puff after one trip up, couldn’t handle 15 lol. Nice snap x
ha ha! True though – very true! Can I swap the beans for tins of gin pleeeeease?
Thats a brilliant gym you have there! Some people pay about £70 a month for what works out to be the same thing!
Brilliant, that sounds like a good plan to me!
This is SO Mummy Barrow, made me laugh out loud, at the train station, with people looking, yeah, thanks for that!! 😉
hee hee thats good going for a duck!!! x