The Gallery — Old

I actually changed my mind about the photo for this post at the last minute.    Something old is this week’s theme on the Gallery.

It was going to be my teddy Stanley but then I thought of the oldest and most splendid thing in our family (and by thing I don’t mean family member!)

A thing that was born in 1957, in Holland I believe.   It now lives in England but at the moment is in South America.  Bogota to be precise.   Though over the next few weeks it will be in Chile, Peru and ultimately in early December, Argentina.

A thing that in 2008 went from London to Sydney.

Well nothing remarkable in any of that I hear you cry.   You can post a thing, or put a thing in your hand luggage and go on a plane with it.   Or you can even fly the thing cargo if it is too big.

And that is how this thing got back to the UK from Sydney in 2008 and is how it got to Colombia last month, and will come back from Argentina in December.

So what is this thing?

Ladies and gentlemen I give you something old:

Belle.   A Jaguar XK140.

With my mum and dad.

Isn’t she a stunner?

The oldest thing I know of and the stuff of legend.

Who right now is in 1500 miles into her next 10,000 mile journey.

And you thought I was bonkers.



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