The Social Isolation Diaries — Week 18

Week 18


There’s no denying it is noisier, busier, harder to believe that all this <waves all around> is still going on.  To be honest if you had been in hibernation and only now returning to the open air it would probably take you a while to realise that we are actually still living with a pandemic in our midst.   There is very little to show for it now, especially since we all went to the hairdressers last week, and head to beauticians this week for manicure and pedicures.   Not that we can get our eyebrows done yet, mind you.  That is still a step too far for Boris and we need to wait a while longer.  Don’t ask me why.  The guy is bumbling fool.

Old lockdown rules are now a distant memory and we are allowed to meet up in beer gardens, stay over at friend’s houses, meet in pubs, and fly to certain countries.  People are still dying though and this week the overall total is over 40,000 and the daily total is often close to three figures.

The vaccine trial in Oxford is looking promising after its first human trials and I wonder if this will actually become a viable option for us all in the future.  Like face masks though many people are saying they won’t have it, that they don’t trust it and they don’t believe it will work.  I am not sure what I believe to be honest, but I do think that if the science says it works then I will go for it.    Everyone is now being encouraged to return to work if they can so socially distancing is going to become increasingly difficult which leads me to believe a vaccine is a viable option.

Some lovely news this week was that Captain Tom Moore who raised over £30 Million for the NHS with his walking in his garden received his Knighthood from The Queen at Windsor Castle.  She used her father’s sword ensuring she was socially distanced from Sir Tom, and even invited him for afternoon tea.  An invite he declined as he and his family had already made other plans apparently.  Just when you think you can’t love the guy any more!

We had our first night out since February 29th, when we went to a comedy club, gosh I wonder how long it will be before those happen again.   Everybody has been talking about drive in cinemas so we booked tickets and went off for the night to see what it was like.   I will write about it separately at some point but suffice to say it was fantastic, mostly because you don’t need to listen to other people eating nachos and rattling a litre of Coke and ice.   Unfortunately the film was dire: Reservoir Dogs was not for me.   I had avoided it for 27 years and would happily have carried on avoiding it for another 27 quite frankly.   Some diamond robbers had breakfast, stole some diamonds, and died.  Oh except one didn’t, and one was an undercover policeman.   The set was basically a table in a diner, a street some of them ran down at one point, a car (why does nobody ever bleed half to death on black car seats, they have to be white?  Who has white seats in a car, except Quentin Tarantino?) and a warehouse.  Uggh.  Never again.

We also had our first meal out and stay in a hotel, so it was quite the week for us.   Though it did cement how much more comfortable we are in our bubble at home and that we dont really enjoy being out with groups of people we don’t really know just yet.   As much as I am a homebody I do enjoy going out for the day at the weekend, and who doesnt love a pub lunch?  Well it seems we don’t at the moment.   It all just feels a bit odd.

And from next week face coverings will become compulsory in all shops and takeaway food places (why on earth it has taken this long is, again, beyond me) so I think things will feeler stranger again.  People have been up in arms about being asked to wear a mask in public, which I really don’t get.  If it has the potential to save your life, or somebody else’s, why would you not?  There have been claims that wearing one hampers your absorption of oxygen, honestly people are just weird.


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