Slow Cooker Strawberry Cheesecake

Did you know you could make a slow cooker strawberry cheesecake? People often associate slow cookers with stews, or casseroles, or in fact anything savoury.   And most definitely wintery.   It is less often associated with sweet things.   Like cheesecake.   Cheesecake?  In a slow cooker?  I know.. I know… you think I have finally lost the plot.   But trust me, this works, and it says “summer” like nothing else.   And I

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Foraged apple crumble

We have two apple trees in our garden, alongside a pear tree.    All there when we moved in.   I mostly ignore them to be honest.  Well I don’t ignore them, I just sort of forget about them until I wonder why there are so many wasps when we cut the grass and have to step over all the windfalls. One of the great things about being part of

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Mixed Berry Frozen Yogurt

Mixed berry frozen yogurt Now that my recipes are award winning…  what?  You didn’t know?  Oh yes dear reader.   Remember my strawberry cheesecake recipe?  Well it won a competition run by Netmums:  Slow Cooked Strawberry Cheesecake  AND is set to be mentioned in a national newspaper on Thursday, complete with the picture in took.   Uh huh.   I KNOW. Maybe I can cook after all.   Okay so cook is

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Can’t cook — Can’t cook — Mummy Barrow’s chicken pie

Yep, you got that right.  Not can’t cook, won’t cook.  Just can’t cook, can’t cook.   My inability to cook is legendary so anything I do cook needs to be fairly idiot proof. Like my chicken pie.   I made this for the first time in ages last month and thought “hmm this is so simple yet so fabulous I need to blog the recipe”. So here it is, told you it

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