Danceathon 2015 — Done


Apologies first of all if you got an email notification about a similarly named post yesterday.  That is what happens when you try and get organised by planning posts for the week, and then don’t get around to writing the actual post whilst at the same time forgetting to cancel the auto publish.   As you can probably tell it has been a crazy few months.   The culmination of which was this weekend.

The first ever Comic Relief Danceathon, the biggest ever audience participation event that they have organised was held at Wembley.  Team Honk were on board from the outset and became a band of 100 or so who volunteered to give up their Sunday to dance for six hours.  Many who couldn’t make it danced at home, and my parents will be dancing whilst on holiday in Barbados this Friday.

Essentially it is done, we have achieved far more than we could have imagined this year.  We had hoped for 500 people to be bloggers but for all sorts of reasons we didnt get to that figure but bloody hell the 100 we did get worked their backsides off and more than made up for it.  We have, this morning, smashed the £30,000 figure we reached last year.    Something we never dared dream about.

The only way I can do this post is by doing a Storify with all the tweets.  But it is long, it could have been three times as long but I wanted to get this out and say a massive thank you for all your support.  I am struggling to string a sentence together at the moment so this is the only way I can get all of this out!

Actually to Bras Galore for the real support of a sports bra, something I have never owned before.  It did me proud and means there are at least two parts of my body that don’t ache.   I have never owned a sports bra before but their “Freya Active Sport Bra” was one of the most comfortable bras I have ever owned and really did give me all the support I needed, especially during the Gangnam section when I was up on the stage in front of not only the audience but the TV crowd too.  Bras Galore kindly sent me this bra and I am so thrilled they did, I would have been a wreck without it and at just £40 it is a bargain given the amount of engineering in it to hold my bazoomers in place.

And to Hotter Shoes for the great shoes and sponsorship.

And to every single person who donated money.  Thank you.  Honestly, truly.  You are amazing.  Without you there would be no point.  You are helping us change lives with those donations and we all adore you for it.

Now, put the kettle on, sit down, and have a scroll.

Warning it contains pictures of my arse

Same time next year?

oh before I really go, remember Morph?  Well how cute is this video?



Picture credit above:  Comic Relief

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  • This post made me cry all over again, I have felt so emotional since Sunday but I am not sure the enormity of it has hit yet!

    I personally have felt so very proud to have been there, danced with and become friends with such an epic group of people that willingly support others regardless of anything else.

    Sunday was nothing short of being an honour

    • It goes beyond just fund raising doesn’t it? It gets under your skin and becomes personal and empowering and well, something just a little bit awesome when we all come together like this. Can’t wait to do it all again. “It” being something over tea and cake next time

      • *snort* team honk do something boring and mundane over cake?! yeah right! .. lets be honest though thats what makes Team Honk so amazing! … this feeling is certainly addictive and i will be there with bells on for year 3

  • Thanks T, just choked on my tea reading Annie Michael Jackson tweet.Although I didn’t physically take part, I feel very privileged to see you guys ‘get this done’.

    • You did though Aly. You came hundreds of miles at your own expense with three kids and you raised your own target and you supported and shared on social media. That is all just as vitally important. Honestly, you are a huge part of Team Honk.

  • What a fab round up and a great way to collect lots of memories of a brilliant day! So proud and happy to have been able to dance alongside you, and delighted we got to see your bum of course 😉

    Same time next year? YES please!! x

  • What an amazing thing to be part of. So much to see it is fab looking at people’s pictures and videos. Am still getting through watching it back on the red button too.

  • I am so proud to be part of something so amazing. You know how I feel about you and the original team honk. You’re so inspiring and changing lives with every pound raised. It was a day that I will remember forever.

    • Love you two. Thank you for being such a big part of it, even if it was only you at Wembley Kirsty I know that Clara was still a massive support and very much there in spirit.

  • Aw this is awesome to see, thanks for doing it this way! I also liked yesterday’s empty post, it made me laugh a lot. It’s been amazing dancing and fundraising and travelling and honking with you, have been willing the end so i can rest, but now I feel like I lost my right arm, or leg, or head xxx