The Gallery — Easter

Easter for us this year has been glorious.    And what bank holidays should be about.  Family.   Mr B’s parents arrived on Thursday last week and have been with us for nearly a week.   The perfect excuse for me to stop.  Which seems odd given that we have guests but once the fridge is stocked, the beds made and their car on our drive, we shut the door and hunker down.

We have had a long weekend of eating, drinking, reading papers, puzzles and general chatter.

On Easter Sunday it was lunch for 11 at the local pub.   By a stroke of luck C even had the day off so came along with boyfriend Mr D.   My folks, all the teens, Mr B and his folks, and my granny, it was what Sunday lunch is all about.    And I didn’t even cook it!!  And then all back to our house for a play with the coffee machine, more food, and a snooze on the sofa <stares at my mum>.

It couldn’t have been a more perfect Easter.

That picture above sums it all up pretty well.  Normally that coffee table is clear of everything other than a chess set and a monster candle.   It’s a beast at about 6′ by 4′ and I try to keep it clear because if it looks messy the whole room looks messy.   This weekend though?  To hell with it.   It showed that we were a family on holiday.   There are crosswords, sudokus, chocolate, newspapers, feet up on it, books, crafts that have been made, instructions for the posh camera.   You name it, it is pretty much on that table and it sums up beautifully what our Easter was about.

As do these snaps:

Easter Snaps

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