Last week I showed you the garden at The Vyne. A National Trust property that is down the road from us and where we found ourselves mooching one murky Sunday afternoon.
The house is smaller than the original which was built in the sixteenth century by Willam, 1st Lord Sandy’s, who was Henry VIII Lord Chamberlain. The King visited the house three times and viewed it as one a great Tudor courtier’s “power house”. In 1653 it was bought by the Chute family and remained with them until it was given to the National Trust in 1956, complete with contents.
It was fascinating to see but I was more taken with “downstairs” rather than “upstairs”. In the days of being in service I would definitely have been below stairs, just look at those bells in the pics below!
It made me chuckle that to detract visitors from sitting on chairs and beds they all had holly on them.
This is the print room, I was mesmerised by these pictures.
And proof that we were together. You can’t beat a couple’s selfie on a day out, can you?
Or indeed a cuppa and a flapjack in the cafe at the end
Can you still get sets of bellslike those you showed us?
I’m sure many of your male readers would like to know!
A new business opportunity, perhaps?