My 100 gins shelfie
Yes it is true, I have been on a quest to find the last few gins to take my collection of gins up to 100. In fact I didn’t realise I was so close until I brought four new ones back from Wales recently and it led us to counting just how many were in the collection. I was on 98! I asked on Twitter what should be my 100th and my tweet seemed to take on a life of its own. SO many people got in touch with recommendations, I was literally bombarded with suggestions.
What will be 99 and 100, well you will just have to come back in a few days to find out, but for now this is the collection, and this how it is arranged.
The top shelf two shelves, and the middle of the third are my A-Z of gin. One for each letter of the alphabet and you can read more about them here: A – Z of gin.
The first and third squares of the middle shelf are, books and my very own Blogger Gin with a bottle of Rainbow Gin, to celebrate making the rainbow below, and the third section is clear. Amongst the clear favourites (did you see what I did there?) are the Spirit of George and Heston’s lemon sherbet. There is also one in there called Muff, made from potatoes it is brilliant Irish gin and it seems to have caused quite a ripple when I shared this pic on Twitter last week: “is it REALLY called that?” Why yes, yes it is.
Then comes the rainbow, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and indigo+violet (and black).
Red Gins
Bombay Sapphire bramble edition, King of Soho variorum gin (gorgeous, definitely a firm favourite), two from Tarquin and a couple of sloe gins
There are some very new ones in here so they havent been tasted yet. Notably the Tenby and the M&S with a snow scene, one of their special editions for Christmas this year. Grins at the front might have to be in my top ten favourites of all time, I think that is third bottle we have had and sadly it is now empty.
Another of the M&S ones, Hibernation (fabulous) and Jawbox’s pineapple and ginger. There is also a Whitley Neil Quince gin which is one of the few gins I really don’t like (there are only a handful, including Monkey 47 and Ophir).
Twisted Nose is one of the local Hampshire gins (their bottles are beautiful to look at), my only Gin in a Tin (made at the Cotswold House Hotel in Oxfordshire, Rock Rose and TOAD. I should also mention the Seedlip on that shelf. I love Seedlip because it is made just like a gin, but contains none of the alcohol. So if you are driving, or just off the booze, but missing a G&T then I highly recommend having a bottle of this in your collection.
I could have filled this section three times, so many gins seem to come in blue bottles! The Hemmings at the front has to win an award for packaging. It comes in a reusable water bottle so you can carry on using it after the gin has gone. Though how well you could convince people you were only drinking water, I dont know! Obviously there is some Bombay Sapphire because it is probably our nearest distillery (though this bottle is engraved with my name). And Mr Hobbs, a gorgeous gin from Henley on Thames.
King of Soho is one of my favourites in here, along with the Jaisalmer, my only gin from India
And there you have it my 100 gins shelfie.