Living Arrows, week 5 and January is almost over, thank heavens. Gosh it felt long, didn’t it? Our routine now is that Caity and Lily come over once a week and it is lovely to just hang out and not do too much, other than sit on the floor and play for a few hours. It’s a wonderful distraction from all that is going on, and also to be able to sit crossed legged in front a pile of toys!
Now that Lily is at the “cruising round the furniture” stage our enormous coffee table is bringing new meaning to the expression “circuit training”. She loves to work her way around it each time she is here, mostly so she can try and grab the TV remote, the books, the candles and anything other other than her toys, whilst we try and make sure she doesn’t fall and bang her chin on it!.
She managed to grab the paper and it really wouldn’t have surprised me if she had thrown it down and said “you do know that 4 across is turncoat, don’t you?”.

I honestly cannot wait for this bit of parenting! One day, hopefully not too soon!
Haha awww bless her, time goes so fast doesn’t it!? I remember the cruising stage well 🙂 x
I really miss those days of sitting on the floor with a baby, drinking tea and chatting. Right now it seems like the absolute best way to spend a day!x
I miss that age! Why is it we always look back on it with rose-tinted glasses. I think I had a heart attack with the boys as neither was exactly a safe cruiser shall we say. So lovely that you are getting this time with her. #livingarrows
She is just so cute – I loved those days when they were cruising round the furniture, although not so much having to move stuff out of reach all the time!
The absolute best age but yes that coffee table brings back all the anxiety! My daughter had sooo many bumps and bruises, most of which I had no clue how had happened. I’m so pleased you get to have those quiet play mornings with your family, they really are what life is all about.
Katrina x