I think we all know that to be the case, don’t we. But this time last week that was really brought home to me. I was asked if I would like to be interviewed to “create content” for the Toyota blog following our loan of the Prius Plug-in. I jumped at the chance, you know me, I love to talk. Especially when it is about something I love. Martini. Baby kittens. Cake. Biscuits. Hybrid engines. You can’t shut me up these days.
“And we would like to send a photographer down to take some pics of you with the car and on the school run”.
“Monday morning, 9am okay?”
“9am on a Monday morning? Are you mad? When I leave the house at 7.30am to do a school run and throw on clothes that look vaguely clean in the dark but probably aren’t. And with a face that hasn’t seen make up in a month because I don’t see another human being until the school pick up at 4pm And get back at 8.45am and then launch into dog walk, house tidying, etc etc because I haven’t had a chance to do it before? And it is Monday so the house is particularly bombsite-esque as haven’t really been here to do anything other than eat?“
“Yes, yes, that’s fine. Absolutely brilliant, see you then”.
At least we got to see the car again (and Jonnie got the ipad back that he left in it. Hat’s off all round for honesty).
All joking aside it was great fun watching a professional photographer doing his thing. Setting up shots, getting the lighting right, finding locations to make sure he got just the right picture. Waiting on the opposite side of the road for not only a gap in the traffic, but for the sun to go behind a cloud so we didn’t any glare. And then getting a shot that also had another Toyota passing the end of the drive.
Six hours in total. Thankfully I wasn’t required for all of it but did get some odd looks as I sat at a junction nearby as Simon photographed me and we had to wave other cars past. It caused quite a stir for the parents on the lunchtime pick up!
Another experience to add to the memory bank, even if the photos do make my toes curl. And once again we waved goodbye to the Prius Plug-in, this time for good.
Toyota Prius Plug-in Beats the Back To School Blues
A big thank you to Andrew Biddle for asking me to do the interview and to Simon Jessop for the photos. If I had known beforehand that Simon had photographed Tom Daley I would have had a stack of questions!!!!
I love the photos BECAUSE they are YOU and not some supermodel. Makes it so much more real and honest. Great job by model and photographer x
How fabulous and what an experience. I so firmly believe that advertising must represent us all as we are.
I’m also teeheeing that the photographer was called Jessop… photograoher by name, photographer by nature.
Hayley x
What a fab experience! I bet your family were chuffed. You look great! xx
Love this post – especially the 9am on a Monday morning bit!!
My dad always says “A model is a cheap imitation of the real thing” so you’re right – you will NEVER be a model! Just the real thing! And gorgeous! I had the EXACT same phone call / reaction when This Morning called this week to film IN MY HOUSE! Somehow, as women, we pull these things out of the bag. I’m now enjoying a VERY stiff drink! I hope you are too 😉 x