The Britmums Live meme

Memes are like buses.   I haven’t done one before and then following hot on the heels of the one I did on Mother’s Day here is another one.


I have been tagged by MotherWifeMe to answer questions set by ABoyWithAspergers so that those of us attending Britmums Live in June can all get to know each other a little bit better.

And even if you aren’t going then maybe you might learn something about me.

What’s your blog title and how long have you been blogging?

Well obviously it is   You knew that bit already.   And this month it is a whole year!!

Will Britmums Live be your first blogging conference?

Indeed it will and I cannot wait!

Did you bag a sponsor?

Oh yes I did.  I am proud to be sponsored by Canvas Holidays

Are you attending both days?

Hell yes.   And staying on the Saturday night just to squeeze every ounce out of this weekend.

What are you most looking forward to about the conference?

Primarily meeting bloggers and tweeters I have “known” for a year but have yet to meet.   And to hearing Ruby Wax and Sarah Brown’s speeches.

Are you wearing your sponsor’s branded clothing?

That would involve wearing a tent.    Possibly not the look I am going for if I am honest.

What is your planned style for this event?

Usual attire of leggings / tunic / flat shoes.   Bag full of paraphenalia to keep my phone charged so I can tweet.

Are you hoping to be nominated for a Brilliance in Blogging Award?

Not only have I been nominated but I have been shortlisted!!  I am so thrilled.   You can vote for me by hitting that little shiny badge over there on the right.

If so, which category?

In the Fresh Voices category (blogs less than a year old)

Will you be looking to network with brands?

To be honest I haven’t really thought about it.   I don’t blog to expect anything in return other than readers.   Talking to brands would be lovely but it is not the be all and end all for me.    It is more important for me to be sharing a cup of tea and a natter with the people I have been chatting to for a year.


If Mulberry are attending , don’t even think about trying to get to talk to them.  I will be kidnapping their spokesperson and swiping all the merchandise.   Don’t even think about arguing with me.

What do you hope to walk away having gained from the conference?

Friendship and some damn good memories.

Will you be dressing up in the toilets for the Friday night BiB awards?

I might try.   Though I will probably be organised and shove something in my bag and then get to 5pm and think “oh I really can’t be bothered”.

Are you speaking at the conference?

Not officially!!!  Though I expect I will make sure my voice is heard 🙂

Will you be joining in the early morning bloggercise on the Saturday morning?

Are you having a laugh?  Clearly we have never met, ClaireLouise.   When we do you will see why this is a ridiculous question.

Which speakers are you looking forward to listening to?

Definitely Ruby Wax and Sarah Brown

Which workshops will you be attending on Friday?

The bloggers studio: “Taking your blog to the next level”.

Which workshops will you be attending on the Saturday?

The two part “Essentials” workshop sounds great

Are you booked into a Hotel?

Oh yes indeedy.  The Hoxton for both nights.

Will you be looking for after party drinks?

Not too far.   I am planning on taking them with me 🙂

Are you worried about not knowing anyone or being confident and socialising on the day?

No, not at all.   The Britmums crowd are a really friendly bunch and nobody will be left on their own for long.

What are you mostly likely to be found doing during Britmums Live?


Click here to vote for me!   I am in the first category, number 17:  MummyBarrow


Now I am tagging my room mate SuperAmazingMum and MinistryofMum

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  • Lol you crack me up you do:)
    Loving your answers and I still regularly read your blog since you helped me get the word out there about the whole TSS teachers/students forum madness.
    BTW… I will not be do no exercise on any day apart from walking around and maybe a little dance… I don’t do early Saturday exercise lol (still… will anyone, no one one the linky has stated they’re up for it yet.

    Can’t wait to meet you and thanks again for joining in
    Claire Louise (A boy with Aspergers)

  • Brilliant, love your answers! Given the growing list of bloggers who appear to be staying at the Hoxton Hotel – and given it has one of my fave bars in it – I think that hotel doesn’t know what it is in for!!!

    Really looking forward to meeting you at BritMums Live!


    So looking forward to it! Thanks for the tag xxxx