Malaria is something I have become more acutely aware about since becoming involved with Comic Relief this year. When people sent me messages apologising for “only able to give you a fiver” my response was always the same:
that fiver just saved a life because it buys a mosquito net
That simple.
Every hour
Every day
So to really drum the point home about how many people malaria is killing and why it is so important to do all we can to eradicate it, I thought I would invite you to read the statement below. It was sent to me along with a copy of Mary and Martha, a hard hitting drama written by Richard Curtis about malaria.
If you take every person killed in a terrorist act in the last 20 years, and add to that every life lost in the Middle East since the Six Day War, and add to that every American life lost in Vietnam and Korea, and every other American conflict since …. Iraq…. Afghanistan….
If you take all those lives you’ve still got to multiply them by two to get the number of kids who die from malaria every year
And if you want to help please look at Malaria No More‘s website, where you can also donate.
Please forego that frothy coffee from an American chain today and donate it to Malaria no more instead.
It might just save a child’s life. And that has to be a better feeling than a caffeine hit, surely?
Sharing this post everywhere I can x
Just the look of that picture horrifies me, let’s spread the word
Every bit really does help, you’re right, even the fiver. Off to share everywhere…
Will share, will donate 🙂
Well said. Whenever my kids are malingering I remind them that most children who die, do so from diarrhoea. We don’t know just how lucky we are and it’s purely an accident of birth.