Dolce Gusto Review
Earlier in the week I told you about my recently acquired love of coffee and how lucky we are to have a top of the range coffee machine.
Now I freely admit that it is out of the price range of most people, even those that love their coffee as much as Mr B (who spent most of his student grant at uni on coffee). So whilst I can’t imagine living without it now I do know that for those with a smaller budget, or kitchen it is sadly going to stay on the wish list a bit longer.
Which means that for everyday use people need something more affordable, and smaller, without losing the great coffee taste.
Ladies and Gentleman let me introduce you to the Dolce Gusto machine.
A “pod” machine that retails around the £100 mark that you simply fill the tank, put in the pod for your chosen drink et voila. Great tasting coffee in less than a minute. Or vanilla latte macchiato. Or how about an espresso ristretto? Or even a lungo decaf. What about not even doing coffee at all but having a chocochino or a chai tea latte. The possibilities are endless.
And the other great thing about this little machine (which I am sure is modelled on that naughty penguin Pingu) is that you can have a cold drink too, it is not just hot water that it dispenses. So if you have your heart set on a cappuccino ice, then this is the machine for you.
A selection of pods are available in all supermarkets, and on the website there are even more, including some that are “web exclusive”. The majority for less than £5 so it means your drink works out around the 50p mark. Not bad when you consider what some high street coffee shops charge. Delivery is pretty quick too, order on Saturday and you have it on Monday.
I have been a fan of this little machine since I went to an event last year, hosted by Dolce Gusto. It was explained that it is not only the flavour of coffee that is important, but the pressure at which the water goes through the pod. My memory is hazy but the higher the pressure, the better the end drink. Some alternative pod machines have a much lower pressure (and I mean MUCH lower, like a two thirds lower), which will definitely impact on the final drink. This machine produces drinks very similar to your high street favourites, with a great frothy top.
Dare I say that if you are looking for a great Christmas present for the coffee lover in your life then this really is a great machine.
And once you have one there is also a great little community on Facebook that you can join called The Pod.
Now, who’s going to share a skinny cappuccino with Caity?
Image of mug of coffee and Dolce Gusto pod courtesy of Shutterstock