Gringotts Wizarding Bank
You would think that after visiting over a dozen times Ellie would be over visiting Warner Bros Studio Tour, but nope. Actually nothing could be further from the truth. And you might think that having been so many times there would be nothing new to see. Not so. Especially this year as Gringott’s Wizarding Bank opens in its biggest expansion.
Lined by towering marble pillars, the grand banking hall will be decorated with three magnificent crystal chandeliers and finished with real brass leaf. Inkwells, quills, ledgers and piles of Galleons, Sickles and Knuts will complete the goblin tellers’ desks as seen on screen
The scale is truly huge and it is hard to believe this is a set and not an actual bank. It is stunning to look at, and even filled with people it was vast. In the films it is depicted as being a white multi storey building, imposing in size, with literally miles of alleyways and vaults that ran under the city. Anybody depositing something for safe keeping is given their own vault, hence the sheer number of them.
The first time Harry visits Gringotts he is told by Hagrid that it would a ridiculous idea to try and rob the place. That whilst it is one of the safest places for anything to be kept, it is guarded by goblins who take the responsibility very seriously. If they ever spoke about the secrets they know it would be classed as “base treachery”.
Vault 713 is mentioned in the very first Harry Potter book, The Philospher’s Stone. Any ideas where that Stone might have been kept?
Gringotts Wizarding Bank is famously run by goblins. Walking through the imposing marble columns, visitors will discover the costumes and prosthetics belonging to Bogrod, Griphook and many other goblin bankers.
This really is a wonderful new addition to the Tour, giving fans and muggles alike a real insight into yet another crucial piece of the Harry Potter Story.
We were guests of Warner Bros Studio so were given four passes in exchange for sharing our thoughts
PreBooking IS essential. You cannot turn up on the day and buy tickets. All ticket info is here: WB Studio Tour Tickets
For other posts we have done on the Tour please see below:
Harry Potter Studio Tour in 2013
Hogwarts at Christmas in 2013
WandWeek in 2014
DarkArts in 2014
The Things We Haven’t Seen Before — 2014
Hogwart’s Express in 2015
Goblet of Fire in 2018
Photo Credit Ellie B
Oh my goodness, that looks spectacular! I’ve never been to the Harry Potter place, does that make me a bad person?