#HDYGG — Tournesol

Tournesol.   “Turn sun” is the literal translation.  Sunflowers to us in England, but to the French they are tournesol.   I have really fond memories of driving through France and seeing field after field of them.  All facing the same direction.   Towards the sun.

In fact, for me, no journey through France is complete without seeing them.  I dont know what I would do if we ever had to drive through France in Winter!   Every time we have seen a field of them this week I have made Mr B stop the car so I can jump out and photograph them.







This one reminds me of a meerkat



Sometimes we didn’t even stop for me to photograph them, I had to do it at 50MPH

Speedy HDYGG

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  • Lush! I am uber jealous – I would swap my last tin of gin for an hour in sunflower field!
    I hope you pulled over to get amorous in the sunflowers – if not I am very disappointed in you! *remembers Hopalong reads your blog*
    *reigns it in*
    Lovely, sunny colours – looks like you are having the perfect break. I’ll see you next weekend by the self composting toilets at the festival 🙂
    Back to earth!

  • These photos are so beautiful! I’ve never seen a field of sunflowers before, feel like I’m missing out. Good excuse for a trip to France me thinks 🙂

  • Gorgeous! I love your comment about driving in France in winter…very funny! You should try it, it’s not so bad (just not so great.) #HDYGG

  • Love the idea of you having to snap from a moving car! They are tremendously beautiful though aren’t they. France is such a vast country they can ‘spare’ fields and fields of such gorgeous and grand beauties 🙂

  • Oh this reminded me of driving in France a couple of summers ago and driving my husband nuts as I kept going on and on about the sunflower fields!

  • oh how gorgeous!! it’s been a long time since i have seen a sunflower field. they always take me back to my childhood in portugal

  • Wow, how incredible! I’ve never seen a whole field of sunflowers before, how amazing they look. Do like the meerkat one 🙂 #HDYGG

  • They are stunning aren’t they? Such a happy sight! W ejust have boring old grass, maize, and the occasional field of wheat or barley round my way! These are WAY more pretty!! 🙂

  • I love them! This post made me so happy, even though the first time I eve saw a field of sunflowers was a very sad time. They are incredible! Loved you words too, made me giggle xxx

  • Wow I have never seen so many sunflowers! They look so pretty x #HDYGG